
Auto Electrical

What Can An Auto Electrician Fix?

If you are having issues with your car, you may be asking whether you should go to a mechanic or an auto electrician. While some of the work overlaps, auto electricians and mechanics do different jobs. Here we will explain what an auto electrician can fix on your vehicle.

What Can An Auto Electrician Fix?

You could categorise the parts of a car into two sections, the mechanical parts and the electrical components. The mechanical parts are things like the engine, transmission and suspension, which involve physical moving parts which work together to make the car move. When these break, you can usually see and hear the problem, and they need to be physically repaired or replaced. This is usually the job of a mechanic.

Auto electrical work, on the other hand, requires working with the electrical components of the car which control the mechanical parts. Electrical systems are crucial components on cars, especially modern vehicles which have sensors and computers for practically everything. Working with the electrical system on the vehicle typically requires a different skillset to a mechanic, as the job usually involves getting into the computer by scanning it with a diagnostic tool, and then diagnosing the problem.

While many mechanics will be able to do a diagnostic scan, if the problem is an electrical one, such as the engine control unit (ECU) is having issues, or the alternator needs rebuilding, this job is usually done by an auto electrician.

Here’s how you can differentiate whether you need a mechanic or auto electrician:

  • If the problem is a noise, such as a banging, grinding or screeching noise, or you can visually see something is broken, this is usually a job for a mechanic
  • If the issue is something such as a check engine light, the electrics are playing up or the car won’t even turn over when you go to start it, this is probably a job for an auto electrician.

Auto electricians will usually be able to help you with any work that requires dealing with electrical components, which includes installation of electrical parts and accessories like alarms, reversing cameras, stereos and more. They can carry out repairs such as broken wiring looms, troubleshooting and replacing faulty electrical components and fixing things like lights not working. They can help with replacing your battery, and most auto electricians also offer air conditioning services.

If you are having electrical issues with your vehicle, we at Eurosparx specialise in all auto electrical repairs. Speak to us today to get your car sorted!

Reversing Cameras

The Cost of Not Having a Reversing Camera on Your Vehicle

Reversing cameras are not new tech and have been around for years. Surprisingly however, a great number of vehicles still don’t have reversing cameras installed. And we don’t mean old or classic cars, we’re talking about modern vehicles that are only a few years old.

A lot of new cars these days come with reversing cameras, but many vehicles still don’t. While this may not be a huge deal for a normal small car (even though they are a big help), large vehicles such as trucks and caravans really benefit from having a reversing camera installed.

Reversing Cameras Auckland

What is the use of a reversing camera?

The main point of a reversing camera is to allow you to see what is behind the vehicle which you would not otherwise be able to see from the driver’s seat. It’s main job is to eliminate blind spots and help you ensure there are no objects in the way as you reverse. This is particularly useful for vehicles which have little or no rear viability.

So what are the costs of not having a reversing camera?

A reversing camera eliminates a great deal of risk when you are reversing. Obviously it can prevent backing into a small post, mailbox or other low object which can cause damage and cost you literal dollars.

However, it can also help prevent other instances such as the possibility of hitting a person, especially a child which may not be tall enough to see through the rear windscreen.

Having a reversing camera will help to prevent these situations for occurring and will literally save you money since you won’t have to pay to fix the damage, let alone preventing anything else mentioned above.

Since reversing cameras are not very expensive and are comparable to having a stereo installed, there really isn’t much reason not to get one.

We at Eurosparx supply and install reversing cameras for cars and larger vehicles such as trucks and campervans. If you’d like to get one for your vehicle, get in contact with us now by calling 09 218 7789 or emailing